2020 Los Alamitos Equine Sale

Statistical Summary Highest Prices
Leading Buyers Leading Consignors and Agents
Leading Sires of Yearlings Hip by Hip Results
Highest Prices - Day 1 --- (10/3/2020)
Highest Prices - Day 2 --- (10/4/2020)
Highest Prices - Cumlative

Highest Prices by Day
By Value
$110,000 HIP #66 - GLASS CEILING , M , 1, by Favorite Cartel -- Babe On The Fly, by Strawfly Special (Burns Ranch, Agent ), (Legacy Ranch Inc. ), 10/3/2020
$105,000 HIP #114 - NATIONALLY RANKED , C , 1, by Favorite Cartel -- Eagle On The Fly, by One Famous Eagle (Burns Ranch, Agent ), (Willis, Ray ), 10/3/2020
$95,000 HIP #100 - MISCHIEVOUS PLAYER , M , 10, by Corona Cartel -- Dinastia Toll BRZ, by Tolltac (Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for John Andreini ), (Rancho El Cabresto Inc ), 10/3/2020
$83,000 HIP #110 - DEVILS TORTURE , C , 1, by Favorite Cartel -- Dont Pass Bar, by A Regal Choice (Burns Ranch, Agent ), (Floyd, Sue ), 10/3/2020
$81,000 HIP #98 - DRIVE A BARGAIN , C , 1, by Mr Jess Perry -- Designateddriver, by Corona Cartel (Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for John Andreini ), (Suarez, Rachuan ), 10/3/2020
$75,000 HIP #22 - SACRED HEART , F , 1, by Favorite Cartel -- Tahma Hawk, by Hawkinson (Burns Ranch, Agent ), (Mcarthur, Mindy Agent For Haras Portofino ), 10/3/2020
$65,000 HIP #123 - BLUECIFER , S , 1, by Apollitical Jess -- Fervents Dynasty, by FDD Dynasty (Burns Ranch, Agent for Rancho El Cabresto, Inc. ), (Juniors Quarter Horses, Inc. ), 10/3/2020
$60,000 HIP #44 - GREAT STRATEGY , F , 1, by Favorite Cartel -- Ynot Bar, by Chicks Beduino (Burns Ranch, Agent ), (Gordon, Linda ), 10/3/2020
$55,000 HIP #115 - DESIGNATEDDRIVER , M , 13, by Corona Cartel -- Elaines Fantasy, by Leaving Memories (Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for John Andreini ), (Stone Chase Stables ), 10/3/2020
$51,000 HIP #153 - WALNUT PIE , C , 1, by Favorite Cartel -- Hawk Kue Pie, by Hawkinson (Burns Ranch, Agent ), (Perez, Maxililiano C ), 10/3/2020
$51,000 HIP #105 - EMBRYO DINASTIA TOLL BRZ/APOLLITICA, , -1, by Apollitical Jess -- Dinastia Toll Brz, by Tolltac (Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for John Andreini ), (Allred, Edward ), 10/3/2020